segunda-feira, 13 de maio de 2024
Stayin' Put
So, you've heard He became "poor" so that you could become "rich"... You've heard the appearance right; when it comes to the Content, it's not the Word you've listened to. And it's not that you're unable to get what it's All about, it's just that what you really can't see your "self" without is "all"; so you choose to stay within the system and pretend you don't know the Message is a Call to real change. Are you sure He doesn't call you a "friend"? Tell me, do you feel "comfortable" surrounded by falsehood and bizarreness? Oh, it seems I have the proof that many of you do, "church" goers. We know it's not the Dove in you protecting you, because you don't say any bad thing to them, just like you also don't have any good thing to say. Are you sure you're not in their club, loving the "party" more than the Light?
People who don't fight for Good have no reason to contend with evil, so they'll never be Riggs in deep pain on the floor. Is that a "defense" worth having? You should never admire a cold "social" skill, because such always means no trouble dwelling in the impure shore's house, fitting in the swamp. They'd like you to think that has to do with Christ sitting at the table with sinners, as they try to hide, even from them "selves", it has to do with Silverless "jews" asking if He thinks He's better than anyone there to say and do those things. According to the only foolish logic they follow, if someone is being unpleasant to their ego and disturbing their "peace", it must be the devil, they "think". What does your Gift show you? Mine shows that that "skill" is about old "men" and "women" not giving a shit for true Righteousness.
Is it bad to be mad, mad to be bad? For "all" they care. So if you're sad, they won't feel and think anything that could help you; they're too busy looking for the "difference".
Let your "priests" get wise for you, so you can remain fools.
I don't wanna be cut, turned off, so I've gotta be bad and tell you that's pure stupidity.