quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2024
Pit Pleased
"But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness."
I see an evident ugly mouth at the end of the sea of deep lowness; at the beginning it may sound smoother than Oil to those who dig darkness more than Light, but it's the same old offer from the beginning. There's no better thing than Truth, no real thing beyond Her. The lies are present throughout the evil trip but, willing to please your soul with any cheap "love", you won't be able to see their wicked cold nature composing the self-centered person's character until you lose the lie you yourself have bought to win the weak and hard hearts, that is inspiring the selfish "sweetness" you're hearing.
Pay attention to the sounds a drifter lover makes and say "Hello!" back...
Unless you love strife and want to soon breathe in the enemy's cruelty on your messenger.